Pick up the TIDAL WAVE GAMES 2024 ANNUAL before it's gone!

SEE YOU, SPACE COWBOY… Roleplaying Game - Core Rulebook


S E E Y O U, S P A C E C O W B O Y . . . (abbreviated CUSC) is a tabletop roleplaying game set in outer space where the players create characters called Outlaws: bounty hunters who fly across the galaxy in search of their next payday, landing in hot water, manipulating people, and starting gunfights. One player is called the Bandleader. They set up situations for the Outlaws to overcome, including playing as all of the antagonists, bounties, friendly characters, talking computers, and other things the Outlaws might meet.

·32 page core rulebook designed for ease of use
·Unique game mechanics inspired by PbtA, Savage Worlds and West End Games’ Ghostbusters & Star Wars
·Over half a dozen tables to help Bandleaders generate bounties including a d100 name table
·Extremely cool character sheet
·Futuristic world with detailed solar system
·Fantastic art by Jaki King, Tyler Hogerty and Mitch Speck

Your book will arrive in a bubble-lined 6x10 mailer envelope and secured with a clear polybag and backing board for maximum protection.

This purchase includes the PDF, which will be delivered to you via email and DriveThruRPG usually within 24 hours.

Original Release Date: February 2022